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Petra Koenig

Physiotherapist & Clinical Pilates

Graduating from her Applied Sciences/Physiotherapy Degree at Sydney University in 2011 Petra dove straight into private practice, spending her weekends field side managing acute sporting injuries or on the Athletics track assisting competitors.  It was through such varied experiences that Petra’s love of the assessment and treatment of sporting injuries began.


With the desire to improve the long term management of her patients she pursued Clinical Pilates training (through the Pilates Institute of Qld) as the perfect solution and addition to her bag of tricks.  Since then Petra has continued to develop her Pilates teaching through self practice, additional courses, along with further training in Women's Health and pre/post natal care.  


Petra has a special interest in the management of the weekend warrior; those non-professional athletes who achieve greatness every Saturday on the footy field, around the bay or in the ocean. You name it, Petra wants to improve your performance.


In her time off Petra loves to keep active; playing netball and attending barre classes.  She loves nothing more than a good shiraz and cheeseboard with friends/family and tracing her fingers around the globe when planning her next travel adventure.


Favourite exercise:

Petra's go to rehab/Pilates exercise is everybody's favourite...the PLANK!

Petra Koenig Clinical Pilates Physio Physiotherapist The Studio Rozelle
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